About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

As I reflect on the year we've had I realize what a big year it's been. A year of growing. A year of new chapters in all of our stories. I am looking forward to a new year and adding to the pages that lie before us.

Chase faced a lot of decision making this year. He chose to not attend his high school graduation and attend the sectional track meet with his relay team, which proved to be a good choice as they qualified for the state meet. He chose to attend Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa which has also proved to be a great choice. He runs Cross Country, track, has two jobs on campus and is majoring in business. He has made a lot of great friends and makes us proud every day.

Kohl is in the midst of his senior year of high school. He finished his last football season with receiving a very nice award, scholarship and was named  All Conference Honorable Mention Defensive Back. He has also decided to attend Clarke University. He works at a local restaurant, and has been my right hand man here on the home front. We are proud of the man he's becoming.

Carson is a fourth grader, with straight A's. He participated in basketball, baseball and soccer this year. He gave up his glasses for contacts, and his teacher is trying to stump him in vocabulary. He is looking forward to being able to possibly start and follow in Chase's footsteps this year and start cross country. I learn from Carson everyday! He is such a joy.

Kaden has probably grown the most this year as he's overcome some obstacles that he's been faced with. He is in first grade and doing very well. He just finished a sleep study this week as we still try to figure out his sleep apnea. He has become the "helper" of the house. He played basketball, baseball and soccer this year too. Kaden brings us laughter lots of laughter, something we all need.

Bob had surgery on his left hip December 1st, and had surgery on his right December 29. The most recent surgery is proving to be the more difficult of the two, but he's doing well. We try our best to entertain him. He's pretty immobile and non weight bearing. He's been off work for 31 days and only has 42 more or so to go, but whose counting! He has been an excellent patient and truth is we are all enjoying having him around just wish it was better circumstances.

I have enjoyed my first year of blogging, and watching as my family grows. There are moments when I wish I could keep them young and at home, but knowing that's not possible, I want to do my best to preserve our memories, and help them tell their stories someday. After all home is where their stories begin. So here is to a new year, new stories and of course lots of memories. We are wishing you a Happy New Year full of love, laughter and memories....Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Not that I didn't know already, but it was brought to my attention this past weekend how close our boys are. You know, I think brothers are the only species that can go from beating the living life out of each other, to high fiving, fist pumping, knuckle pounding, loving the life right back into you in a matter of say seconds. Chase and Kohl have been back to back in school, so as Kohl started his college search I thought maybe he would be looking at colleges at the opposite end of the country from Chase. When he started looking at the same college I was a little nervous that he was so use to following Chase in school that maybe he thought he had to. We wanted to Kohl to make his own choices, we made it very clear to him that they were in fact his choices and he could look anywhere at schools. He kept coming  back to the same college as Chase. This past weekend Kohl officially signed a letter of intent to attend the same school as Chase and be on the same track team. Watching them together I knew it was a good fit for them both and they are both excited about yet again being together. Chase has made it clear however that they may room together at some point, but Kohl has to live with someone else his first year to have that experience. Wise. Our younger two are excited that they will be able to visit both of their brothers at the same time. I have noticed over the years, but more and more recently how much of a bond these four boys have. Sometimes I wonder if it's their age or mine that is making me more aware. Probably a little of both. They cheer for each other, pick each other up when needed, hold hands when they are scared, celebrate each other and of course beat the living life out of each other to end up wanting to spend at least three more years together. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's going to be alright...

As Chase readied for college I worried about so many things. How will he do with new responsibilities? What will it be like for him in a strange town with no one he knows? How will he handle school, athletics, a job or two along with being in a strange town with no one he knows? You see I am a mom first and myself second. That's the way I like it. For the past 18 years Chase has been my purpose, my reason for everything. So now I worry did I do enough to prepare him? Had I done my job?

Every time we talk to Chase, he sounds so happy, so connected, so ok. We went to watch him run this past weekend and from the moment I saw him I had a feeling of "this is exactly where Chase is suppose to be". He's perfect. Through the work of God we found this school, this place, these people and in the few weeks he has been here I can tell Chase shouldn't be any where else on earth.

So have I done enough? Have I done my job? I think I've done alright. I am not done, although my purpose has new purpose, God gave me the assurance I needed. You see after Chase ran he was gathering his things and he handed me his shoes and asked if I'd mind taking them he'd get them later he didn't want to put them in his bag as they were wet. At first I kind of thought really, you are in college and you need me to take your shoes? But ok, whatever give me the shoes. We go our separate ways and will meet up later. I arrive at the hotel and go to unload our bags, and there are the wet, smelly shoes. I drop one and see some writing on it, now I am thinking you are in college and you write on your shoes? But ok, whatever pick up the stupid shoe. I pick it up and I read it, I look at the other shoe, and of course being the crier I am I tear up. This is what I found....one shoe reads "run for God" the other "run for yourself" with his and his brothers birth dates. Chase didn't give me the shoes so I would see that, God did. God knew I needed something. He always provides exactly what I need. Thank you God for blessing me immensley.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Pickle Pete

The mammoth grid called for pickle making this week. I had this naive idea that with Chase gone to college and not having cross country meets 2-3 times a week that we might have some free spaces on the mammoth grid calender that we live by. WRONG! Don't know exactly what it is we are doing, but those free spaces I was thinking would happen - not happening! Carson is the picky eater out of our crew. He's been asking to try making some pickles. We have had cucumbers picked for this pickle making several times, needless to say the process never happened. So this week we bought some cucumbers and with time running out on these pickle prospects we had to get this done. Carson cut the cucumbers and followed the recipe all by himself. He did a grand job. Carson is our quiet little man. He is so easy going and eager to please. He is quite responsible and I sometimes listen to him talk and have to remind myself he is only 9. His teacher asked me at the beginning of the year how we taught him such a great vocabulary. Truth is we didn't. It's self taught. She is trying to stump I think and hasn't been able to yet! I can tell Carson's mood and feelings by looking at his eyes. May sound funny but I can tell how he's feeling by looking the boy in the eye, he has a sparkle, a shine. I don't think I can explain it. All kids do I know. His is identifiable. I mentioned that he is our picky eater. Even this he does politely. He would never tell us he doesn't like something, never ask for something else. He will not eat vegetables. (Except potato soup and french fries if those count!) But he LOVES pickles! So, hence the nick name Pickle Pete. And how were Pickle Pete's pickles? Well, here at Cafe Le Gregory, they were best pickles we've ever had!  Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Thought I'd update you on what's been going on at our house the past few weeks.

Kaden has started first grade. So far so good. Anyone who asks Kaden what grade he is in gets a reply of "first grade again" or "I am doing first grade again". He is fine with the transition. He hasn't handled Chase going to college quite as well, and has shed many a tear for his big brother. Chase was kind enough to tell Kaden he could take anything of his from his room if he wanted. Kaden was so proud of how he decorated his room with all of his brothers things. Think it would of been easier for him to just move to Chase's room! But whatever helps!

Carson started 4th grade and has gotten contacts. He looks so grown up! He has adjusted a little easier to the fact that Chase isn't at home. He misses him and thinks it just seems "weird" without him.

Kohl is a senior. Football is in full swing, they had their first game last night. He had an awesome game. He has begun the college search and received his first acceptance letter. He has not made any decisions yet, we will keep you posted.

Chase has started his college career at Clarke. Think he is transitioning much better then the rest of us! He has his first cross country meet in a week. He has gotten two jobs on campus and joined a few clubs.

Bob is getting ready to have some sort of hip surgery. Not exactly sure how it is all going to pan out quite yet. He had more test yesterday and we should have some answers this week we hope. So please keep him in your prayers.

Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I run, but not for exercise.

I went for a much needed run this afternoon. Inside with air conditioning and 2 fans blowing right on me! (I am not brave enough to run in this heat outside!) When I run, it's my quiet time, my "me" time. We all need that now and again. I have my music and more importantly my God. It may sound silly to some of you, but it's often the time when I can "talk" to Him. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit stressed lately. I seriously felt like God was standing next to me, and He reminded me not of the things I am doing, but of the things I am not.

I didn't have to bury my son this week, sit on my mom's death bed, or have my new born fighting for life. I didn't have to bail one of my son's out of jail, or admit my husband or children into rehab. My house didn't burn down. My family isn't sick. I am not wondering what I will fix for dinner and hope it's enough. I'm not homeless in this heat. I'm not a lot of things.

I got the message God. Thank you. I will be patient. You are busy. I will continue to pray for all of those who are all of the things I'm not. I am blessed and grateful. A bit humbled. Thank you for taking the time to run with me today.

At the bare minimum today I have heard "I love you" and "thank you" at least 5 times each. I am reminded that right now, that's all I need. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Magical Memories

We recently surprised our kids with a trip to Orlando to visit Disney and Universal Studios. Keeping the trip a secret was a task in itself, but we did, and they were surprised! I think Disney is the international melting pot of happy. You can't help but be happy when you are at Disney. You walk in the gate and smiles magically appear where maybe they weren't before. People from every land find their way to Disney. A smile is a smile no matter what language you speak. Screams of thrill and or terror sound the same in every dialect. As you can see from some of the pictures, my kids figured out where the cameras were on the rides and gave us pictures we will treasure forever! We really got a chance to enjoy each other, not that we don't always, but it's different when there are no interruptions. No work, practice, camps, games, computer, limited phone and TV. We ate 3 meals a day together, now that we are home I can't tell you the last meal we were ALL at.  We were home a week and then went to Door County for a week. A trip we always enjoy. Now it's back to reality and here I am on the computer, Bob's at work, we have had football camp and finished up the baseball season, started back to school shopping, and nobody is home for dinner :) Life is good. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Schools out for the summer!! My favorite time of year, I love having the kids home. It has been a crazy spring so I am anxious to see what the summer has in store for us. I know we will have at least one baseball game a night possibly more, hockey games, trips, the pool, and preparing for the next school year as football camp has already begun. So I guess my saying I love having the kids home is kind of silly as we are not ever home! There is a song that reminds me of our family sometimes...the years start coming and the don't stop coming so we hit the ground running! I think this summer has taken on a new appreciation however as we also prepare for Chase to leave for school. When your kids are born you have so many people who say to you, "enjoy them while they are little, it goes so fast". At the time I think we think to ourselves - yeah right. But the fact is that is probably one of the best bits of unwanted advice I ever got. It goes to fast, I have loved every minute I've had with Chase and I know my moments aren't gone, just changing. But it has made me savor every word, every look, every everything with all of my kids more. So, this summer as we hit the ground running I think I am going to try and enjoy the run even more than usual. Happy Summer everyone! Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Family Traditions

I would like to think our family is rich with traditions. We have something for everything. Every holiday, birthday, season, we even have traditions for when someone has surgery or breaks a bone! Easter is no exception. We get up early, see what the Easter Bunny has left. Go to church, go to Grandma Karen and Grandpa Bill's for baskets and breakfast after church. Return to our house for a fun hunt with our cousins, stuff ourselves with delicious food and then, well then it's one of our favorite traditions. It is literally a very silly tradition, but one of our favorites. The family silly string fight. We head to the park armed with cases of silly string. This fight includes men, women and children. There is no mercy. We run around like crazy people shooting each other with can after can of silly string. I have to say it's one of the most fun moments of the year. Maybe because it's one of those times everything stops and we just get to be silly and have fun. Life gets so rushed, so serious, so exhausting at times. If you need a good stress reliever, stock up on some silly string and start a new family tradition! I promise you will laugh till it hurts! Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Answered Prayers

As I have posted in previous blogs Kaden has had some things to deal with this year. And he is dealing, and progressing. Unfortunately progress isn't always an instant fix. It takes time. Many times a day I'd love to reach for the big red easy button they show in commercials. But there isn't one. No one ever said life would be easy, they just said it would be worth it. For the past few (many) months Bob and I have had endless conversations about Kaden's future, and what the right thing to do for him is. It seems it should be easy to know what's right for your children. We have been discussing retaining. First grade times two. It seems like an easy decision, but there are so many aspects to consider. It's not just an educational decision, it's emotional and so, so much more. We stress, we worry and at the end of the day in our prayers we turn it over to God knowing He will show us the way. But alright already-show us the way. We try not to compare our kids to one another. They are all different, but honestly it's hard not to compare sometimes. This situation however is very different and the worst thing we could do is compare. None of the others had letters dancing all over the pages. In his quiet way Kaden knew he was not learning like the others in his class and at home, but he didn't know why. It took us months to help him figure it out, and now we have and we are building on that. And we pray. I hate to waste my energy on things I have no control over, but the things I do have control over are worth every last drop of energy I have. I somehow feel we should have control over this situation. But,  I feel so helpless. I don't want to mess this one up. And we pray.

One night when Kaden was having trouble sleeping he wanted to cuddle. I love my cuddle time.  Our conversation somehow got to school. He was saddened by the retirement of our schools 3rd grade teacher. "She always gets eggs for the kids to watch hatch, what if the new teacher doesn't?" We talked about the cute baby chicks. Suddenly he looked at me with the most serious and innocent eyes I have ever seen, and says (and I quote) "Mom, God has spoke to my heart. I am not ready for 2nd grade." In the next second that seemed like years my heart melted, grew and raced all at the same time. I am searching for the right words to respond. All I can manage is "Ok Buddy, are you sure?" "Yes, I am sure" again all I can manage is "Ok". I want to race to the phone and call Bob at work, but I can't move. As Kaden grabs my hand and we both drift off to the best nights sleep either of us has had in a very, very long time.

God answers prayers. We have no doubts what the right thing to do is now. We were so afraid and now we are not. Sometimes answered prayers come in a smile, a nod, a gesture. They are not always easy to spot. But somehow coming from the mouth of an innocent child I know our prayers and uncertainties were answered. With triumph comes trial, we know it's not going to be easy. I am a very laid back and patient person, but I know the first time I hear of someone teasing or taunting my son my mama bear will come out all claws bearing. But trust that I will close my eyes and see the picture of my sweet baby and the moment that is forever etched in my memory and on my heart and will have a certain calmness that will take me back to my happy place.

A lot of what I know, I learned while my son was in first grade. Thank you for teaching ME Kaden and helping ME to grow. And thank you God for blessing me so, so immensely.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Way to go Kohl

The past couple of weeks have been pretty remarkable for Kohl. But why am I surprised? He is one remarkable person. He first was inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. What's that you ask? I had to! Founded in 1984, NTHS is a non-profit organization established to recognize excellence in workforce education and award scholarships to its members. NTHS membership is now considered America's highest award for excellence in career and technical education. He was nominated by his Cisco (computer) teacher. The day after the induction ceremony we received a letter in the mail that he has been selected to the National Honor Society. Eligibility for this is based upon scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Final candidates are chosen by a committee of teachers who have observed Kohl's performance in the above areas while he has been a student in High School. Then he took his talents to track and field and managed personal bests in the high jump, triple jump, 100 and 400 meters. You would think maybe he'd be wore out by then but no, he and a group of friends danced their way to first place in a talent show held at their school. All this while maintaining great grades and having a part time job. The great thing about Kohl is he is so well rounded. He knows when to be serious and when not to be. He is always loving and caring and one person I know I can always count on. Sounds like maybe I am bragging a bit, but the thing is I am not. I am just very proud. Proud because we can guide and suggest but ultimately it's the children's choice to do with what we give. I'd like to think I had something to do with it but the truth is, I learn more from my children then they will ever learn from me. I thank God for choosing me to be their mom and I pray we are raising them in a way He will be proud of. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Growing up is hard to do...

A recent conversation between my two youngest boys and I had me both laughing and crying. It started with our 9 year old having a consult with an orthodontist. They think he may need to start ortho in 6 months or so. As we are leaving I must have looked a little down, and our 9 year old says "Well at least they are giving you 6 months to get used to the fact that I am growing up!". I don't think I'd actually come to the point of thinking about that  YET, (I would have, he just helped it along) I was more looking at the estimate for the cost of this ortho stuff and thinking "really?". It started this whole conversation of how I am so proud of all of my kids, but I hate how fast they are growing up. So Mr. Carson has to continue with "yeah, and soon Chase and Kohl will be away at school" which of course opens up new questions. Will they ever live at home again? We won't get to be with them on their birthdays? Can we move to where they are? Do we all go to the same college? It really was ending up to be quite a sad conversation, but funny the way the minds of children work. So Kaden then at some point realizes this means somewhere down the road he will be the only one home with Bob and I. After a minute of him seeming a little sad about that he decides it might be kind of fun! Whew....thought maybe I wasn't going to be cool enough! Mr. Carson then continues to add "and by the time you are 16 Kaden you could be an uncle"! Ok, so now they have me laughing at the fact that they even think about that kind of stuff and if you do the math it really is possible! Crying at the fact, I can hardly deal with our oldest leaving for college and they already have me being a Grandma! I am NOT ready for any of this. Not braces, not college and definitely not Grand parenthood! Growing up is hard to do...for me!
Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

I remember years ago,
you were so little then.
I can't help but wish,
that you were small again.
I've cried when you've faced heartaches,
and saw, that as you grew,
nothing broke your Spirit,
instead it strengthened you.
I'm filled with mixed emotion,
as I hold back all the tears
and, with much pride remember,
back so many years.
When I first held you in my arms,
if only I'd have known,
the years would feel like moments,
after you had grown.
You aren't a baby
though in my eyes,
I guess you'll always be,
that baby boy who changed my life,
and means the world to me.

-Cynthia A. Sieving

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Do you see what I see?

Do you see what I see? Maybe not. As I have blogged before our son Kaden has some issues with his eyes. I laugh a bit as I write that sentence because all of us have issues with our eyes, and if you don't, consider yourself lucky. We have four children and all four have had eye surgery. Three have had muscle surgery and one has had a detached retina. We have been blessed to have wonderful eye doctors and surgeons who care for our children. I think I can take credit for the bad muscle gene and am probably responsible for passing that on to my children. Sorry guys. I do not however take credit for the detached retina! Chase's retina detaching (at age 7) taught me a lot. As the specialist is rushing us to surgery he says "I can't believe he hasn't been seeing floaters" Chase says "what are floaters?" The doctor explains, and Chase says "I do see those, but I thought EVERYONE did!" Lesson learned: we just take for granted that we all see the same. Children especially don't know what so called different vision is, they don't know any better. So, back to Kaden. He has tracking issues, and no depth perception. (Weird Gregory fact: Carson and Kohl don't have great depth perception either) AMAZING to me, is what these children do with these issues they don't know they have....how does one with no depth perception play baseball, football, basketball? The brain is an extremely incredible thing that without us  even knowing helps us to adapt ourselves to be able to do these things without knowing we aren't suppose to. I noticed some things with Kaden that kind of sent me a red flag. He got by until first grade. When he was really starting to read and write. His writing was all over the page, no space between words, he'd skip lines when reading, had trouble with word cards ect... ect.... ect....So I took him to have a developmental eye exam which is different than a vision exam. You can pass a vision exam, but have other problems with your eyes which is where a developmental exam comes in. After a couple of hours of testing we found out what exactly his "issues" were. We have since started eye therapy. We have the kindest most uplifting and motivational, wonderful woman who works with Kaden. She, I am convinced has changed his life, and with that mine too. We spend hours doing therapy and he loves it. He's teaching his eyes to work together. He has a long way to go, but has come miles already. We set goals and when he reaches them we celebrate like no other! He didn't realize he wasn't seeing things properly so he didn't know to ask for help. One big goal Kaden has is to ride his bike without training wheels. Another lesson learned, when your 5/6 year old doesn't want to ride a bike and is truly scared too, and I mean truly scared too, there may be a reason! He might not just be being difficult. You see someone with no depth perception doesn't take to doing things like riding a bike! In an earlier blog I talked of Kaden being rewarded with a nerf gun, I was unsure if this was a good parenting technique. Well let's just say he has since added two to his collection and now gets to choose an activity for the weekend when he has had a successful week. I am so sorry Chase had to go through the agony of a detached retina but in some way it may have saved his brother. I feel you always have to look for the good in every situation. So the good from Kaden's situation is that he is getting help, but also if we can help someone else we would be so happy. These kinds of things are often misdiagnosed. So if you read this and think of someone it may help, please share. I am intrigued by what I am learning at eye therapy, I often think if I was ever going to change my job, I would be an eye therapist. It's truly amazing.

Update: We are (knock on wood please) pretty healthy right now =)
              Chase also received word that he has been awarded a VIEW Leadership Scholarship for successfully demonstrating the leadership qualities of Vision. Integrity. Excellence. Wisdom.
Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I haven't had a blog in about a month, there has not been much to blog about. We have not done anything exciting except cough, hack, wheeze, water,  have hurting ears and fever! Really that's it. For a month. And I am SICK of it! The only good news is nobody has puked, but now that being said I will get the puke bucket ready =) We have had the influenza, upper respiratory, ear infections and sinus infections turned bad. Nothing horrible, just constant. I send one back to school and they call to come pick up another. For those of you who know us you know we are used to being struck with weird ailments and accidents, so maybe it is the normality of these things that's making it seem so bad. It's boring?  I know none of this is serious. I'm not asking for pity, just Spring! I have cleaned and disinfected until my hands are raw, I carry around a sterile bowl just in case someone actually does cough up a lung. The most excitement we have had is a blizzard, which was kind of fun. We did manage a weekend away this past weekend. We took Chase to Clarke University for a leadership competition. It was a great get away, and Chase did well. (Results come in the mail and the rewards are scholarships, we will keep you posted.) The weather seems to be warming....so maybe there is hope....oh wait...what's that....my phone is ringing....guess what...another man down! Seriously, when will it stop? All I can do is laugh. I can't sweat the small stuff, and laughter is the best medicine, oh you should hear me laughing!!!! I know I am truly blessed because I have a family to follow around with disinfectant and puke bucket and a sterile bowl...
Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Often Running

Often Running is the name of one of our favorite running stores. It also describes our family well for multiple reasons. I would consider myself a novice runner, and I would consider Chase an experienced runner. I would predict that someday he WILL win a marathon. I would also predict that Carson will follow in his brothers footsteps. Kohl runs up and down the football field, runs the bases of a baseball diamond, and what he has to for track, he stays conditioned by running, but would not consider it something he would do just for fun. I predict that Kaden will follow in his footsteps. That brings us to Bob. I think I have seen Bob run maybe three times ever. Once when Chase was hit in the eye with a rock that detached his retina, once when Kohl crushed his finger in baseball, and the time Kaden had his head stuck under a moving merry-go-round. I am not saying he's not active, but not a runner. He has always said his job when Chase and I run is to hold the camera. He takes this job seriously and does it well. But guess what? Bob wants to run a 5k! Yes, I said wants too! He has chosen The Fat Ass 5k this May. I leave it up to you to decide if he picked the right race. Chase and I and several of our friends have run this race before. Chase in fact was second place overall when he ran it. So, don't be fooled by the race name, because Fat Ass could never be used to describe Chase. It is however a very fun race. Water stations that also have beer. Along the route you can grab a donut, corn dog, french fries, ice cream and other yummy treats. To be honest Chase and I didn't partake in the menu along the way because quite honestly I think we would probably puke if we ate these things while running! Bob on the other hand being the beer specialist he is, will probably be able to drink beer and run. He probably will do it well =) I myself have not yet mastered the whole water station thing, I cannot drink on the run, I miss my mouth and drench myself. I have to stop to adequately hydrate. Bob started his training this morning. I am very proud of him. Up at 4:30 am, so we could get our run in and be home before 6:00 am, when our day officially begins. I think Bob will be a great novice runner. I am looking forward to having this activity to share with him. Once you start running you are either sucked in and love it or you hate it.  Well, he hasn't said he hates it yet! However we are going to be looking for a new camera holder! Any takers? Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just For Fun

As I watched Chase play hockey this past weekend my mind kept wondering, I kept thinking to myself he is having so much fun. You can tell by the look on his face, his whole demeanor just relaxed and happy. I kept thinking how stressful or world is today, and how young that stress starts. Everything is so competitive. The kids know who has 100's in spelling along with every other class/test taken, who can do the most math facts correct in one minute, who has the most books read - I think you can see where I am going with this. The extra curricular activities are no different, maybe even worse. My kids are in these activities and love them, as do I. What would my life be without baseball, football, basketball and of course running? I am not by any means bashing these activities our family loves them. But lets be honest, they are very competitive and at times quite stressful. It doesn't matter the age or level of play. I get that competitiveness is good, I get what we get out of it. I myself have a competitive streak. No one wants to be the worst at anything, no one wants to lose. I get it, but I am going somewhere else with this. (I think?!) A new session of hockey just started, and there are levels at which you can compete. This an adult league. 16 yrs. & over. I heard one of the guys ask Chase if he was going to bump up a level this session. He is quite capable of moving up. Chase's response is what got me thinking and watching closer. "No, this is just for fun for me, my outlet." Now believe me if you want to see some competitive spirit some of these grown men in hockey have it! So, I questioned how they would respond to Chase's answer. But all seemed to admire his honest answer. IT IS JUST FOR FUN! Of course he wants to play well and win. He has been on two championship teams thus far. But when he messes up he laughs, shrugs it off, not to think of it again. (Except while we razz him afterwards) When he gets off the ice it's over until next time. No stresses. Just for fun. My quest for the new year is that each of my family members find something that is just for fun, an outlet. We all need that, it's so healthy to be competitive, but fun is healthy too. It doesn't have to be a sport it can be anything as long as it's fun! So what will it be? Who knows maybe I will start playing hockey, well probably not, but that would be fun! Thank you God for blessing me immensely.