About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's going to be alright...

As Chase readied for college I worried about so many things. How will he do with new responsibilities? What will it be like for him in a strange town with no one he knows? How will he handle school, athletics, a job or two along with being in a strange town with no one he knows? You see I am a mom first and myself second. That's the way I like it. For the past 18 years Chase has been my purpose, my reason for everything. So now I worry did I do enough to prepare him? Had I done my job?

Every time we talk to Chase, he sounds so happy, so connected, so ok. We went to watch him run this past weekend and from the moment I saw him I had a feeling of "this is exactly where Chase is suppose to be". He's perfect. Through the work of God we found this school, this place, these people and in the few weeks he has been here I can tell Chase shouldn't be any where else on earth.

So have I done enough? Have I done my job? I think I've done alright. I am not done, although my purpose has new purpose, God gave me the assurance I needed. You see after Chase ran he was gathering his things and he handed me his shoes and asked if I'd mind taking them he'd get them later he didn't want to put them in his bag as they were wet. At first I kind of thought really, you are in college and you need me to take your shoes? But ok, whatever give me the shoes. We go our separate ways and will meet up later. I arrive at the hotel and go to unload our bags, and there are the wet, smelly shoes. I drop one and see some writing on it, now I am thinking you are in college and you write on your shoes? But ok, whatever pick up the stupid shoe. I pick it up and I read it, I look at the other shoe, and of course being the crier I am I tear up. This is what I found....one shoe reads "run for God" the other "run for yourself" with his and his brothers birth dates. Chase didn't give me the shoes so I would see that, God did. God knew I needed something. He always provides exactly what I need. Thank you God for blessing me immensley.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Heidi!
    I am a friend of Kathy Telfords and I went to grade school with your husband! Once in awhile I check in on your blog----always end up crying!!--Sounds like you have very special boys---if you have tips for me--would love to hear them. Our boy is now 16 and I am not sure he will be successfull-I feel as though he is going down the wrong path.
    Anyways--love your blog and will keep stopping by if that is okay!

    Nicki Herbers(Hanekamp)
