About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Schools out for the summer!! My favorite time of year, I love having the kids home. It has been a crazy spring so I am anxious to see what the summer has in store for us. I know we will have at least one baseball game a night possibly more, hockey games, trips, the pool, and preparing for the next school year as football camp has already begun. So I guess my saying I love having the kids home is kind of silly as we are not ever home! There is a song that reminds me of our family sometimes...the years start coming and the don't stop coming so we hit the ground running! I think this summer has taken on a new appreciation however as we also prepare for Chase to leave for school. When your kids are born you have so many people who say to you, "enjoy them while they are little, it goes so fast". At the time I think we think to ourselves - yeah right. But the fact is that is probably one of the best bits of unwanted advice I ever got. It goes to fast, I have loved every minute I've had with Chase and I know my moments aren't gone, just changing. But it has made me savor every word, every look, every everything with all of my kids more. So, this summer as we hit the ground running I think I am going to try and enjoy the run even more than usual. Happy Summer everyone! Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

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