About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Way to go Kohl

The past couple of weeks have been pretty remarkable for Kohl. But why am I surprised? He is one remarkable person. He first was inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. What's that you ask? I had to! Founded in 1984, NTHS is a non-profit organization established to recognize excellence in workforce education and award scholarships to its members. NTHS membership is now considered America's highest award for excellence in career and technical education. He was nominated by his Cisco (computer) teacher. The day after the induction ceremony we received a letter in the mail that he has been selected to the National Honor Society. Eligibility for this is based upon scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Final candidates are chosen by a committee of teachers who have observed Kohl's performance in the above areas while he has been a student in High School. Then he took his talents to track and field and managed personal bests in the high jump, triple jump, 100 and 400 meters. You would think maybe he'd be wore out by then but no, he and a group of friends danced their way to first place in a talent show held at their school. All this while maintaining great grades and having a part time job. The great thing about Kohl is he is so well rounded. He knows when to be serious and when not to be. He is always loving and caring and one person I know I can always count on. Sounds like maybe I am bragging a bit, but the thing is I am not. I am just very proud. Proud because we can guide and suggest but ultimately it's the children's choice to do with what we give. I'd like to think I had something to do with it but the truth is, I learn more from my children then they will ever learn from me. I thank God for choosing me to be their mom and I pray we are raising them in a way He will be proud of. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

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