About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Often Running

Often Running is the name of one of our favorite running stores. It also describes our family well for multiple reasons. I would consider myself a novice runner, and I would consider Chase an experienced runner. I would predict that someday he WILL win a marathon. I would also predict that Carson will follow in his brothers footsteps. Kohl runs up and down the football field, runs the bases of a baseball diamond, and what he has to for track, he stays conditioned by running, but would not consider it something he would do just for fun. I predict that Kaden will follow in his footsteps. That brings us to Bob. I think I have seen Bob run maybe three times ever. Once when Chase was hit in the eye with a rock that detached his retina, once when Kohl crushed his finger in baseball, and the time Kaden had his head stuck under a moving merry-go-round. I am not saying he's not active, but not a runner. He has always said his job when Chase and I run is to hold the camera. He takes this job seriously and does it well. But guess what? Bob wants to run a 5k! Yes, I said wants too! He has chosen The Fat Ass 5k this May. I leave it up to you to decide if he picked the right race. Chase and I and several of our friends have run this race before. Chase in fact was second place overall when he ran it. So, don't be fooled by the race name, because Fat Ass could never be used to describe Chase. It is however a very fun race. Water stations that also have beer. Along the route you can grab a donut, corn dog, french fries, ice cream and other yummy treats. To be honest Chase and I didn't partake in the menu along the way because quite honestly I think we would probably puke if we ate these things while running! Bob on the other hand being the beer specialist he is, will probably be able to drink beer and run. He probably will do it well =) I myself have not yet mastered the whole water station thing, I cannot drink on the run, I miss my mouth and drench myself. I have to stop to adequately hydrate. Bob started his training this morning. I am very proud of him. Up at 4:30 am, so we could get our run in and be home before 6:00 am, when our day officially begins. I think Bob will be a great novice runner. I am looking forward to having this activity to share with him. Once you start running you are either sucked in and love it or you hate it.  Well, he hasn't said he hates it yet! However we are going to be looking for a new camera holder! Any takers? Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

1 comment:

  1. I will be HAPPY to hold the camera...maybe even aim it and shoot! xoxo
