About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I run, but not for exercise.

I went for a much needed run this afternoon. Inside with air conditioning and 2 fans blowing right on me! (I am not brave enough to run in this heat outside!) When I run, it's my quiet time, my "me" time. We all need that now and again. I have my music and more importantly my God. It may sound silly to some of you, but it's often the time when I can "talk" to Him. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit stressed lately. I seriously felt like God was standing next to me, and He reminded me not of the things I am doing, but of the things I am not.

I didn't have to bury my son this week, sit on my mom's death bed, or have my new born fighting for life. I didn't have to bail one of my son's out of jail, or admit my husband or children into rehab. My house didn't burn down. My family isn't sick. I am not wondering what I will fix for dinner and hope it's enough. I'm not homeless in this heat. I'm not a lot of things.

I got the message God. Thank you. I will be patient. You are busy. I will continue to pray for all of those who are all of the things I'm not. I am blessed and grateful. A bit humbled. Thank you for taking the time to run with me today.

At the bare minimum today I have heard "I love you" and "thank you" at least 5 times each. I am reminded that right now, that's all I need. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

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