About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What's Your Story?

Above our front door is a sign that says-Home... Where Their Stories Begin
Today our 3rd son turns 9. Last week I was at a baby shower, I sat there thinking how did my children grow up so fast? I was just at my baby shower. Well, anyway it got me thinking about our sign and how true it is. This IS where their stories begin. We all have a story. We might not think it's exciting, we may think it's not worth telling, maybe we just don't realize we have a story to tell. Each of my four children came into this world with an amazing story, each birth very different, but each very amazing. And believe me they each have stories to tell! Some are great, some are good, some are hard, some are sad but ALL amazing. Our stories make us who we are, who we will become. Sometimes we wish we could erase a page of our story and re-write it, maybe make it more of a fairy tale. I realize I have a story, I know my mom remembers the day I was born, the day my story started. Most definitely pages I'd like to re-write. To save myself sadness or sorrow or hardship. But thinking about it, those hard pages, those are the pages that define me, make me stronger, better, wiser (maybe). So boys on those days you wish you could erase, remember you are writing amazing stories, every day a page of your novel. Good, bad, happy, sad and a whole lot of funny! All of us no matter our age still have a lot of blank pages, so I am going to add to my novel today celebrating 9 years with Carson! He already has an awesome story....and so do I. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

1 comment:

  1. Yup...I remember the day you were born vividly! I also remember the day each of your boys was born...from a very different perspective! Thank you, God, for blessing ME immensely! xo
