About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Changing of the...well seems like everything

In May I started having problems with kidney stones. Chase moved home from college for the summer and on his first day back he got to drive his mom to have a medical procedure. Welcome home Chase! In May Kohl graduated from High School, and that's when it all started......the change. Typically our family handles change relatively well. We have our moments, but for the most part change is usually for the better. As June moves in and we are all back in one house as a family and with no school we adjust to this nice change. Baseball games, hockey games, new summer jobs for the big boys...more kidney stones, another procedure, but I push through. I think I made it to every game despite the fact, well if I must be honest, I felt like hmm... well let's just say not good. July came, vacation time, should be great. Two days before vacation I have to have yet another procedure for these nasty kidney stones that won't leave me alone, should be the last procedure and I can move on to feeling myself. I wake up to hear I now have a "permanent" stint. I won't tell you what I was thinking at this moment as it's not very nice, but ok, I can deal with this change. We leave for vacation, which Kohl only got to join us for a weekend of due to his summer internship at State Farm. More change, we aren't all together for vacation. We do alright with it, don't love it, but it's good for Kohl so we handle it. August comes and we start getting ready to send two boys to college. Ugg, not going to lie, I know this is a change I am not going to like. I am still not feeling great and I have not a nice word for this stint. We receive news-great news! Bob has been offered a new job! This is a change he's been wanting for a while. Change is good. He'd been at RR Donnelley for 24 years, so this is a BIG change. He takes the job. Thank you GOD we know this was your hand at work and we praise Your glory. Bob starts his new job (in Kankakee) we move Chase back to school (he has to go earlier then Kohl as his cross country starts). This seems like a lot of change for one week, but we deal. The next week we move Kohl to school, and the little boys start school. More change, but every one's excited about their new adventures. One morning after the little boys have left for school it hits me and hits hard, I am standing in an empty house, empty except for me. I have never felt so alone (still not feeling good, so I am sure this didn't help) and the tears begin to flow, and flow, and flow. I think for me a good cry is God's way of healing me, cleansing my soul. So, I have my cry and move on, trying to convince myself change is for the better. That night at bed time, all the change hit the little boys too. They have tears which in turn of course makes me cry. We miss our big boys. Take a deep breath. Explain how all this is for the good, the better of us all. Sounded convincing enough. I go to bed and pray...God help me to except all this change. I KNOW it's all for the better, but why is it seeming so hard? I finally get to have my stint removed. I have never been so excited to have a medical procedure in all my life. I almost feel instant relief. Now September has rolled around and everyone is adjusting. I am feeling better. Bob loves his new job. Big boys settled and enjoying school. Little boys are settling in and loving their activities. I am realizing the house isn't really empty, just changing. Change is good. I am however counting the days till May when we all are home again....every change comes from God, some easy, some not so much. With God by my side I am able to face the changing days of our lives, with a good cry now and again.
Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

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