About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Kaden has been asking for weeks, since pumpkins first began showing up in the stores, "Mom, can we make a homemade pumpkin pie, with pumpkins not from a can?" I'd always say "yes, someday". Because that's what we as moms say when we would like to do something, but aren't really sure when we can fit it in. To be honest, I am not sure I really ever had any intentions of making a homemade pumpkin pie. Not because I don't like pie, not because I was afraid of the mess, not because I didn't want to spend time with Kaden, it just wasn't on the schedule. We have a mammoth sized calender, that most days is full. (and I'm not kidding, it is one of my favorite things and it is really called a mammoth grid calender!) But the poor boy kept asking, and asked enough that Grandma brought us 2 pie pumpkins. Now I am starting to feel bad, even Grandma knows how bad he wants this pie. So the pumpkins sit. Well one night this week we didn't have much going on, homework was done and we had some down time. I say "So Kaden, you want to make some pumpkin pie?" He says "really and NOT from a can?" I say "really!" Let the pie baking commence. He helps with everything, scooping out the seeds, cutting and baking the pumpkin, scooping pumpkin goop and mixing it with all the other ingredients, putting it in the oven. Happy boy. That was easy. We were having so much fun, and weren't worried about where to be next or who had what and so on. That we didn't realize how late it had gotten. Kaden needed to get to bed, it was a school night, but he had waited so long for this pie...it had to bake an hour and fifteen minutes. When we get the pie in the oven I say to him how late it is. His reply "it's ok mom, I can eat it for breakfast!" And he marched off to bed. Happy. Why had I waited so long? Why wasn't pie on the mammoth calender? Why is life so crazy that pie is hard? I love our fast paced life, really I wouldn't want it any other way. However, I think it should be mandatory that the mammoth grid have a few days blocked out for nothing but pie....or at least pie making type activities. I love you Kaden, and you make yummy, yummy pie, "from a pumpkin NOT a can"! Thank you God for blessing me immensely.


  1. good for you! I say those same words at our house all the time "sure, someday" to whatever request it is.....Aaron always says, "why don't you ever say 'no'?" I told him it's because it's not like I don't want to do the activity, it's just that it's not on our schedule either -- and we don't have nearly the sized calendar you have! :)

    Thanks for sharing this story -- makes me want to do a 'pie-making' event (not really the pie, but you know what I mean!)

  2. ...and I got a taste of Kaden's pie! (it actually made TWO pies!) Kaden, it was delicious!
    xo G'ma
