About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Feets Worth Mentioning

I am happy to report the I have successfully finished my first 1/2 marathon. For those of you unfamiliar with running that's 13.1 miles. (And it's the .1 that's hard!) I ran the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon with my dear friend Mary. It's because of Mary that I have a marathon and now a 1/2 crossed off "My List". She makes me believe I can do these things, and I guess I can, but not without her! We left in the wee hours of a Saturday morning (4:30 I think) flew to Orlando and enjoyed Saturday at the marathon expo and relaxing by the pool. By the pool in our jackets with cloudy skies, but we were in Florida and it was suppose to be nice. We went to bed early as we had to be up at 2:30 am to ready for and get to the race which started at 5:30 am. We arrived at the race start with 19,998 other princesses. It was exciting. They start the race in true Disney fashion with fireworks and announcers and of course the Fairy Godmother. There is all kind of entertainment and characters along the way. We are enjoying ourselves and running right along, then about mile 9 I start to wonder if I can really do this. I start to tire, my mind says yes my legs say not so fast. As we enjoy the hills they so kindly put at the end of the race route I really start to wonder...I say a prayer... and of course I am rejuvenated and ready to press on. When I can't count on myself, I know God will carry me through. We ran from Epcot to The Magic Kingdom, through the castle down Main St. and worked our way back to Epcot. When we entered Epcot closing in on the finish the spectators start to help us with their cheers of encouragement. Many of them letting us know we are almost there...the finish is within our reach. Nice of them, but miles 11 and 12 are NOT almost there! (Remember I mentioned it's the .1 that's hard) We continue and at mile 13 a volunteer promises me we are really almost there. I am thinking to myself, this was fun, but never again! We cross the finish and I again am refreshed and proud of our accomplishment. We catch our breath and begin talking about what our next race will be! When your in the middle of it you wonder why you are doing it, then at the finish you are reminded why. It's that great overwhelming feeling of "I DID IT!" We enjoy the rest of our day treating ourselves to good food and fun. We rise early again on Monday as our shuttle picks us up at 4:30 am to return us to the airport. We fly home, happy (tired) princesses. Thank you Mary for making me believe in myself. Thank you to my family for allowing me this time consuming hobby, and for being my biggest fans. Thank you mom for the greatest birthday present ever! Thank you God for blessing me with all these wonderful people that make me so happy.

Kaden is like a new boy with his eyes working better and sleeping finally sleeping! We continue to work with his eye therapy and as he improves we try to get him to try things he couldn't do before. He never is excited to try these things as I think he's afraid of not being able to do them and the disappointment it brings. But boy is he excited and happy and PROUD when he can! HE CAN TIE HIS SHOES!!! This may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but it brings me to tears and him to ear to ear smiles! He has not been able to tie his shoes, he could not see the laces well enough to do so. We have had many a tear and thrown shoe the past few years as he'd try. He was discouraged and embarrassed. We convinced him to try again recently and we spell success with new "tie" tennis shoes! Kaden I am so proud of you for trying things you think you can't do and for never giving up, NEVER give up! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! It may take you longer, you may have to practice harder, but you CAN do anything!
Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

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