About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I run, but not for exercise.

I went for a much needed run this afternoon. Inside with air conditioning and 2 fans blowing right on me! (I am not brave enough to run in this heat outside!) When I run, it's my quiet time, my "me" time. We all need that now and again. I have my music and more importantly my God. It may sound silly to some of you, but it's often the time when I can "talk" to Him. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit stressed lately. I seriously felt like God was standing next to me, and He reminded me not of the things I am doing, but of the things I am not.

I didn't have to bury my son this week, sit on my mom's death bed, or have my new born fighting for life. I didn't have to bail one of my son's out of jail, or admit my husband or children into rehab. My house didn't burn down. My family isn't sick. I am not wondering what I will fix for dinner and hope it's enough. I'm not homeless in this heat. I'm not a lot of things.

I got the message God. Thank you. I will be patient. You are busy. I will continue to pray for all of those who are all of the things I'm not. I am blessed and grateful. A bit humbled. Thank you for taking the time to run with me today.

At the bare minimum today I have heard "I love you" and "thank you" at least 5 times each. I am reminded that right now, that's all I need. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Magical Memories

We recently surprised our kids with a trip to Orlando to visit Disney and Universal Studios. Keeping the trip a secret was a task in itself, but we did, and they were surprised! I think Disney is the international melting pot of happy. You can't help but be happy when you are at Disney. You walk in the gate and smiles magically appear where maybe they weren't before. People from every land find their way to Disney. A smile is a smile no matter what language you speak. Screams of thrill and or terror sound the same in every dialect. As you can see from some of the pictures, my kids figured out where the cameras were on the rides and gave us pictures we will treasure forever! We really got a chance to enjoy each other, not that we don't always, but it's different when there are no interruptions. No work, practice, camps, games, computer, limited phone and TV. We ate 3 meals a day together, now that we are home I can't tell you the last meal we were ALL at.  We were home a week and then went to Door County for a week. A trip we always enjoy. Now it's back to reality and here I am on the computer, Bob's at work, we have had football camp and finished up the baseball season, started back to school shopping, and nobody is home for dinner :) Life is good. Thank you God for blessing me immensely.