About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Look for the good

Twelve years ago today, I was on bed rest. Pregnant with our third child. Bored, I turned on the TV. What unfolded before my eyes was something I will never forget and I wish I never had to see. There are no words I can think of to describe what I watched for the next few hours...hours that turned to days.

I remember vividly crying and praying, praying and crying. I remember thinking (probably out loud) what are we doing bringing another child into this world that is now going to be filled with hate and war?

I remember just as vividly having a moment where I felt calm and peaceful, which I remember thinking was very odd. I think I thought maybe it was motherly instinct, trying to keep calm for the baby, I was on bed rest after all. Then I started to hear someone, something tell me to look for the good. Good? And there on TV I started to see and focus on the good not the evil, horrific devastation that was before me. I remember thinking we need to bring more children into this world and help make it a good place again. Teach the children to find the good and positive in every situation. Raise my children to be good-doers. The kind of people who help others. Maybe firemen or policemen, maybe a doctor or maybe just maybe the citizen who just simply does the right thing and helps others who can't help themselves, and most importantly not for the glory or self gratification it can have, but simply because it is the right thing to do. Could it really be that simple?

I remember going to church that night with my family. I remember thanking God for showing me the way. The way HE wants HIS children to be. That no matter how bad things seem there is good somewhere because HE is there. A kind word, a simple smile, an unspoken prayer. It didn't have anything to do with motherly instinct...it was a power much greater.

I still pray for all involved in 9/11, it changed everything and everyone. And now our three are our four. I still want them to be good-doers,  more importantly just good people. For HIM.

Thank you God for blessing me immensely.