About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. I have sat down and began to write several times, but nothing really seemed to come to me. We have been busy like everyone else, the holiday's, the "germs", basketball season and indoor track season, more "germs". It gets so busy that sometimes I need a reminder of what it all means. This past weekend we went to visit the big boys. It's funny how you catch some people viewing your family, to us it's just that our family, but some look at us with the age differences of our kids, and you can almost read their minds...I just smile. I smile because it's what God gave me, I also smile because I know just how lucky I am. We really miss our big boys, and I say this not to make them feel bad, but to let them know how much they are truly loved. We count the days from one visit to the next. We live for phone calls and texts, it's the little things. On our visit this past weekend God gave me the reminder I'd been needing. It's funny how He works always knowing what we need.  Chase had asked if the little boys could spend the night with him. They were beyond excited to get to stay "at college"! When we got to Dubuque we went to lunch, and then took the kids bowling. Simple pleasures. It's the last frame of the game and Kaden is winning. I know it is the fun of the game, not who wins or looses, but he's 8, it's kind of a big deal. It's Kohl's turn and if he even knocks 1 pin down he ties, more then that he wins. Kohl throws the first ball down the lane and right as it gets near the pins it goes in the gutter. He takes awhile before throwing the next ball down the lane, and this time I swear it touched a pin, but none fell and the ball went in the gutter. Kohl looked so happy to have lost, if I didn't know better I would swear he lost on purpose! Kaden looked as though he'd won the lottery! He did, the best-big-brother-ever lottery. That night Carson and Kaden spent the night with Chase which I think ranked higher then Christmas and their birthday's rolled into one. These boys reminded me, it's the simple things, the times we share, that's is what I live for, and I think they do too! Thank you God for blessing me immensely.