About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I recently participated in a group at our church. MOMS. Ministry of Mother's Sharing. This is an 8 week program. I have been asked multiply times to join this group and every time I had an excuse not to. I realize they were excuses and not really good reasons, and every time I said no I felt a tinge guilty, but not enough guilt to say yes. The years go by. I would sometimes hear of someone talking about MOMS and how much they were enjoying it and think to myself I just don't have time right now, and I won't have time the next session either. Our calender is rather full, and I just didn't feel I had time for something that was just for MOM. For whatever reason when I was asked this time to participate, I thought instantly to myself "yes". What was I thinking? Where did that yes come from? And without hesitation? When I was asked again I said "yes" out loud. (Well, maybe not actually out loud, I think it was a text message.) That was that-I was committed. Honestly, it seemed to be a bit out of my comfort zone, and I began to second guess. Was it to late to get out of this? Really? Heidi buck up, what's one night a week for 8 weeks? I went. I know now that the "yes" came from God not me. He knew this was the time for me. He knew I needed this. He knew I needed these ladies. This group of women are so awesome, really, really awesome. A few I knew (or thought I knew) a few I didn't. By the end of our sessions I feel honored and privileged to know them and call them my friends and maybe even my spiritual advisers. This has been an amazing experience and I am so glad HE made me say yes! I am a little sad the sessions are over, but waiting to see what He has in mind for me next is exciting! Thank you God for blessing me immensely.