About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Thought I'd update you on what's been going on at our house the past few weeks.

Kaden has started first grade. So far so good. Anyone who asks Kaden what grade he is in gets a reply of "first grade again" or "I am doing first grade again". He is fine with the transition. He hasn't handled Chase going to college quite as well, and has shed many a tear for his big brother. Chase was kind enough to tell Kaden he could take anything of his from his room if he wanted. Kaden was so proud of how he decorated his room with all of his brothers things. Think it would of been easier for him to just move to Chase's room! But whatever helps!

Carson started 4th grade and has gotten contacts. He looks so grown up! He has adjusted a little easier to the fact that Chase isn't at home. He misses him and thinks it just seems "weird" without him.

Kohl is a senior. Football is in full swing, they had their first game last night. He had an awesome game. He has begun the college search and received his first acceptance letter. He has not made any decisions yet, we will keep you posted.

Chase has started his college career at Clarke. Think he is transitioning much better then the rest of us! He has his first cross country meet in a week. He has gotten two jobs on campus and joined a few clubs.

Bob is getting ready to have some sort of hip surgery. Not exactly sure how it is all going to pan out quite yet. He had more test yesterday and we should have some answers this week we hope. So please keep him in your prayers.

Thank you God for blessing me immensely.