About Me

I am a wife and mom to 4. My family is my masterpiece. God has blessed me immensely and I thank Him every day.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I haven't had a blog in about a month, there has not been much to blog about. We have not done anything exciting except cough, hack, wheeze, water,  have hurting ears and fever! Really that's it. For a month. And I am SICK of it! The only good news is nobody has puked, but now that being said I will get the puke bucket ready =) We have had the influenza, upper respiratory, ear infections and sinus infections turned bad. Nothing horrible, just constant. I send one back to school and they call to come pick up another. For those of you who know us you know we are used to being struck with weird ailments and accidents, so maybe it is the normality of these things that's making it seem so bad. It's boring?  I know none of this is serious. I'm not asking for pity, just Spring! I have cleaned and disinfected until my hands are raw, I carry around a sterile bowl just in case someone actually does cough up a lung. The most excitement we have had is a blizzard, which was kind of fun. We did manage a weekend away this past weekend. We took Chase to Clarke University for a leadership competition. It was a great get away, and Chase did well. (Results come in the mail and the rewards are scholarships, we will keep you posted.) The weather seems to be warming....so maybe there is hope....oh wait...what's that....my phone is ringing....guess what...another man down! Seriously, when will it stop? All I can do is laugh. I can't sweat the small stuff, and laughter is the best medicine, oh you should hear me laughing!!!! I know I am truly blessed because I have a family to follow around with disinfectant and puke bucket and a sterile bowl...
Thank you God for blessing me immensely.